We are pleased to announce that Kempston East will reopen for face-to-face worship from Sunday 4th April at 10:30am.
The following precautions must be followed by all people who attend:
You are also reminded that should you feel unwell with Covid-19 symptoms, which can be any of the following:
In terms of lettings and users of our Halls, the restrictions mean that the earliest that these can recommence is the 12th of April (again, this is subject to further Government review). We are working towards this date and thank Barbara for liaising with our Hall users. Communion
During the 10:30am service on Easter Sunday we will also be holding communion. We have developed special arrangements to ensure this is done safely in accord with our COVID Risk Assessment. So, during communion, the congregation will remain in their seats and the elements will be brought to you (using the alternate roped off rows). We will be wearing PPE and using wafers instead of bread to ensure that only the person taking communion will have touched it, and you will be asked to pick up your own glass of communion wine (being careful not to touch any of the other glasses) and then to replace that back onto the tray. Eggs As usual on Easter Sunday we will be collecting fresh eggs. These will be distributed to local charities to help people in need. There will be a table at the front where these can be placed. Flowers Once again in the church garden we will have the large cross. On Easter Sunday you are invited to bring flowers to decorate the cross. (When doing this please do maintain a safe distance and wash/sanitise your hands afterwards.) We look forward to being back together again!